Quick Cyber Monday Mailing Tips

It’s Cyber Monday – and if you’ve news or deals you want to get out today, better get your email marketing on! Here are some quick tips for FeedBlitz publishers.

Get your offer emails out early

If your automatic schedule is set to later in the day, or you’re on a weekly mailing, you can use our “Newsflash” (email blast) or “On Demand” (hand-picked post selection) mailing capabilities to send an email out right now. Go to your list, click the large green “Send a Mailing” button upper right, and follow the prompts. Don’t forget that you can pre-schedule newsflash mailings if you want to, and that a newsflash is the perfect vehicle for breaking news, or for when there isn’t a blog post to power the mailing.

Have a clear subject line

If you’re offering a special for Cyber Monday and it’s going to expire, make that clear in the subject. Make sure you get to the point in the subject quickly too – the prevalence of email on mobile phones means you have very little space to make your point in the subject line. Get the job done in less than 35 characters if you can.

Don’t overwhelm

If you have multiple offers, try sending them all in a single email. Your subscribers will feel overwhelmed and bombarded if you overdo it, and unsubscribe. Respect your readers.

Your regular mailings still matter

Especially if your next one isn’t until this afternoon or later in the week, you still need to get it done. How about an article on post-Cyber Monday deals, or (for those who’ve gone a little overboard) debt management? Stay relevant as we hurtle towards Christmas and the New Year.

Any questions?

The support team @FeedBlitz (Twitter) and the support email address are ready to help.