a socially relevant short film. Yes, this is a bit off topic, so. . . Let's think of this as an entry about mental health - which it certainly is. I've written a short film, as in roughly 14 minutes, that we will film in Kansas City in February, 2011. ...
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"The Medical Migrant" - 5 new articles

  1. A Good Crease
  2. Eat Your Way to Health
  3. White Tea Update
  4. New Celiac Disease Blog
  5. Why White Tea is Wonderful
  6. More Recent Articles

A Good Crease

a socially relevant short film

Yes, this is a bit off topic, so...

Let's think of this as an entry about mental health - which it certainly is.

I've written a short film, as in roughly 14 minutes, that we will film in Kansas City in February, 2011. The film looks at "the basic human need to belong - somewhere, anywhere, regardless of how odd the fit."

I've teamed up with 2sDay Productions, a non-profit production company "dedicated to inspiring positive change in the world," to make this project happen. You can learn more about A Good Crease by following the link below to our IndieGoGo site - and should the spirit of generosity strike while you're there, I'd say go with the flow.




Eat Your Way to Health

news you may not know

It Will Make You Smile - on the Inside...

Food is, well, quite remarkable. It satisfies the deepest yearnings of our hearts in some mystical fashion, sweeping away pain and anguish, leaving us with a sense of fullness, both spiritual and physical, that transcends the basic nature of the mere morsels we consume...
OK, so I'm getting a bit carried away in this new year, but - food is quite remarkable. It's also powerful, and can be a force for good (think fruits & veggies) or evil (think all those wonderful treats that ratchet up your guilt level with each scrumptious bite).
The link was provided by Adrienne Carlson and the article discusses 25 foods that help fight disease - and, if you're brave enough to have a go at it, you'll find the foods are also quite tasty.
Thanks, Adrienne.
Have a great, and healthy, 2010.


White Tea Update

news you may not know

Confused About White Tea?

Do you feel a bit panicky when you dare to try something new? Especially something you drink?
If you're trying to break free of your phobias, this is a great place to start. I did a post about the wonders of white tea a while back and hope you've had a chance to give it a try. But...
If you still have questions, Eric has answers. That's Eric Daams, of the blog Tea Finely Brewed. Eric's a real pro when it comes to tea, and he has a post specifically answering questions about white tea: 7 Common Questions About White Tea.
So, fast forward past your phobias, jump on over to Eric's site, get all your questions answered and then...
Settle in with a nice cup of delicious - and extremely healthy - white tea.
Thanks, Eric, for the great site.

New Celiac Disease Blog

news you may not know

New Gluten Free Blog

I have two reasons to be excited about the launch of a new blog dedicated to exploring the science behind celiac disease. The first is because I've recently discovered I have an issue with gluten - I just can't stand it. But, more significantly, my body pays a big price when I pummel it with processed gluten-laden foods.
So, no gluten for me.
The second reason I'm excited about this new blog is because it's being put together by my brother Matt. He's a bit odd, which I guess is the reason he and I hit it off so well. He's also the guy who turned me on to this whole gluten issue in the first place. So, yeah, I owe him big time.
Anyway, this is really quite cool. There's a permanent link to his site on the right, but you can also jump to it here: http://scienceandceliac.blogspot.com/
Can't wait to see how it progresses.
I guess all that leaves is, "Thanks, brother. And lots of luck."


Why White Tea is Wonderful

news you may not know

White On...

Black tea calms the nerves. Green tea soothes the soul. White tea...

-Fights cancer
-Protects against aging
-Reduces inflammation
-Fights rheumatoid arthritis
-Reduces wrinkles
-Tastes pleasant, especially on cool fall days

How does it manage all this disease-fighting proficiency? It all has to do with its ability to protect the elastin and collagen, which are natural protein structures of the skin. Elastin and collagen support the elasticity and strength of the skin, as well as the lungs, arteries and ligaments. Diseases often cause a breakdown in these proteins, but the extracts from white tea hold great promise in combating that process.

Several other plant extracts, including bladderwrack, green tea, anise and pomegranate were also effective in fighting the breakdown of elastin and collagen. But, even to the researchers' surprise, white tea far outperformed them all.

What exactly is white tea? It's actually made from the same plant, the Camellia sinensis, as green and black teas. It's the least processed of the teas, often still having the fine white hairs on the leaves - hence the name. See the link below for more information.

Well, this is great news - if you love tea. If you never touch the stuff, it just may be worth an experimental sip or two. Where else will you find a drink that gives you a healthy glow both inside and out?

To read more about the study, see this from ScienceDaily. To learn more about white tea, see this from white tea guide.

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