Reflecting on the past 25 years living with traumatic brain injury as I walk into the continuing fog of the future. The post Quarter of a Century with Brain Injury appeared first on Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy.
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Purple background. Stylized duck with a pen and paper in its beak, orange feet walking across the words Compositionally Shireen. Blue circles of deepening hues sits behind its green head with yellow happy squinted eyes.

My Latest Posts on Brain, Life, Mind

Click post titles to read more.

Quarter of a Century with Brain Injury

Twenty-five years living with brain injury feels as surreal as when the doctor first diagnosed me. Unbelievable then. Unbelievable now. For different reasons. Yet both because the mind refuses to process such a catastrophic injury. And a completely unpredictable, radical zag off into the fog.

“A health care professional once told of a client ...

Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief Ebook Reviews

Ebook reviews are already in! Whoa!! Last Friday, I launched the ebook version of my self-help book Brain Injury, Trauma, and Grief: How to Heal When You Are Alone. Even though I'd posted a lot on social media about my ebook's imminent launch and set a special pre-order price — what everyone says will boost your sales rank and thus visibility ...

Reliving in Novelling

Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?


Because I already have.

That’s the thing with brain injury. It throws you back to the beginning of your life. And you have to grow up all over again. Childhood with adult memories and experiences is strange. But adolescence’s pseudo-hormonal fluctuations is just as awful ...

Two Weeks Late, Got Revelation Post Done!

Two weeks, one new ergonomic keyboard that my eyes can see in low light and my hands/arms/shoulders don't object to, and daily photobiomodulation therapy on ulnar nerve later, and I finally returned to writing my latest Revelation post for my Mind Explorer Substack Newsletter.

I was all fired up to finish it on the Monday two weeks ago. ...

My Left Ulnar Nerve Is Being a Bitch

Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.

Right now.

I don’t know what I did in my sleep, but my left hand hurts like hell. I think it’s trigger pain because no bruise visible. Ugh. — Shireen Anne Jeejeebhoy ( 2024-09-24T12:16:34.120Z

It rarely fails, I’m doing well, settling into a rhythm and then ...

Psychology Today black text on white

My Psychology Today blog on restoring life after brain injury from any cause: concussion to traumatic to viral.

Most Recent Posts

Decision-Making After Brain Injury

Personal Perspective: Damaged neurons and neural networks—not inherent indecisiveness or codependence or personality flaw—impede decision-making after brain injury.

Rhythms Reflect Health

Personal Perspective: One must face the full extent of brain injury and recovery. Only then can one know how out of rhythm one is and set a new goal.

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Bluesky butterfly logo in blue
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Psychology Today logo in light blue
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Glass artistic display at Union Station, showing a black and white sketch of a woman facing right, head bent, hair in a low ponytail, looking sad.
Bonus Read from talk talk talk: TTC Design removed accessibility from subway navigation.

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