I like to work with puzzles in a very particular way. . .
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I like to work with puzzles in a very particular way...


Mi mañana

Hoy comencé mi mañana muy conectado con mi abuelo Francisco.

Empecé por levantarme temprano, y luego de cambiar a Sebastian y dejarlo comiendo, sali a caminar. Desde hace varios días he probado caminar en la mañana - me ayuda a despertar el cuerpo, relajar la mente y organizar mis ideas para el dia. También me da un chance de conectarme un poco con la naturaleza pues camino por el parque y el mini-bosque que tenemos cerca. El frio otoñal me recordó las frescas mañanas en las que amaba ir a caminar con mi abuelo. Pero sobretodo, disfruté una vez mas esa sensación de estar activo y disfrutando de la vida mientras los demás aun duermen. Creo que a el le gustaba tener esa ventaja sobre los demás - o quizás simplemente no aguantaba quedarse durmiendo mientras afuera le esperaba un mundo tan increíble por disfrutar.

Al llegar a la casa, mientras Dani y Sebas dormían, me desayuné una grapefruit con miel. Tenía muchísimo tiempo sin comer esa fruta, y tan pronto la corté por la mitad me transporté al pasado, a la Quinta Leonor, donde con frecuencia se empezaba el día comiendo grapefruit. Los cortes tan particulares, la miel, el cuchillo especial, el juguito al final. Fue toda una experiencia sensorial que me conectó de nuevo con mi pasado.

Mi abuelo me enseñó muchísimas cosas, de forma directa o con su ejemplo, y de eso podría escribir bien largo. Pero hoy recuerdo en particular que me enseñó a disfrutar la vida que tenemos. Le fascinaba reír con la familia y los amigos, consentir a sus nietos, tener una vida activa y conectarse con la naturaleza.

Hoy continuaré mi día muy conectado con mi abuelo Francisco.

Ah, y ordenare online mi cuchillo especial para grapefruit :)


The power of NO

I have always had huge difficulty saying NO - specially to possibilities I really like.

However, I'm at a point in my life where I have to choose between many opportunities I really really like. I guess it's a good problem to have.

After thinking hardly for days and days, I have just sent two emails saying NO to opportunities I would have liked to say yes. But I only have so many hours in the day, and so much energy in me.

When you truly believe life is full of opportunities, saying NO can be sort of liberating. It allows you to focus on what you have right now, until you can make space in your life for the next project/goal/person.


The joy of writing

It's been a while since I've enjoyed a minimalistic multimedia experience like this.

Ommwriter makes me feel like I am writing the most important piece of text of my whole life, by removing everything else from the background and surrounding me with simple but inspiring sound effects.

It makes me want to start my day with a few minutes of writing, just for the fun of it.

I don't want to say more. If you have a Mac, please go and give it a try. I promise you will not regret it.

Oh, and of course, I'm creating this post in Ommwriter (:

the minimalist wannabe


I get tired sometimes

of having to feed this body so very often.

I had lunch only five hours ago and I'm already hungry?

Think of how much energy and effort is spent to feed you - growing
food, packaging, transporting, selling, choosing, buying, storing,
cooling, preparing, cooking, serving, cleaning.

Think of all the side effects of our constant need for food -
pollution, waste, poor food choices for convenience, and many more.

Sure, I love eating, but imagine how much more special each meal would
be if we ate once a day, or even once a week.

Perhaps our bodies could learn from our distant relatives - snakes.
Eat a meal roughly your own weight, take a nap for half a day, and
you're good to go for a week.

Alex the crawler


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