Betrayal…. How do we deal with this, the cruelest, of culprits? John 13:18 “I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me. ” ...
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Betrayal, Jesus and the Unequally Yoked and more...

Betrayal, Jesus and the Unequally Yoked

Fall Bible Study 2024Betrayal….

How do we deal with this, the cruelest, of culprits?

John 13:18 “I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.”

The next section of our Bible study dives deeply into the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. There are a number of issues at hand that reveal heart motives, instruction for life, and lessons in belief. This short section of scripture is vast in its implication.

Read it here (link to NKJV).

Jesus shares with the disciples his future betrayal, why? Verse 19: Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He.

Sharing future events lends to greater belief and faith within the disciples. Rember from my book, Spiritual Enforcer, where I cover belief. Our beliefs are at the core of our destructive or successful lives. What we believe matters. (PS. get the book, thank you)

Betrayal is the cruelest of all emotions. The undoing of trust. And in this scenario, Jesus is betrayed to his torture and death by a close friend??? Did Jesus really trust Judas? Hmmmmm, I’m not so certain. However, it’s clear that Jesus gave him the benefit of the doubt, hoping he would change by assigning the money management to Judas.

Side note: Jesus had a lot of money. He wasn’t a poor man. And the gifts He received during his three years of ministry were significant. A LOT of money flowed through the hands of Judas. In fact, Judas betrayed Christ for money (30 pieces of silver). I realize that we, the church, are inclined to view Jesus as a poor missionary. But he wasn’t poor. He wore a garment that cost a year’s wage. There are scholars that believe the home where the last supper was held was owned by Jesus. Jesus was the Master of the house. Luke 22:7-12

Onward… The passage that jumped out at me in this entire story is this:

John 13:18b He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.

This is a reference by Jesus to Psalm 41:9. Fascinating. But what does it mean? My research points to a vicious act, as though kicked by the heel of a horse. Ugh.

My friend, the unequally yoked know this feeling. There isn’t one of us who hasn’t experienced this devastating kick to the chest from a betrayal. So much so, that the pain feels physical like our breath has been knocked from our chest.

This is the precise moment that two things become crucial. We must take that pain to Jesus. And over time, heal, forgive, and then command fear, pain, and betrayal to leave. This process must happen fairly quickly so that the devil does not gain a foothold in our soul.

Not easy.

And not without boundaries or separation from our betrayer, if necessary or appropriate.

What is also fascinating is Jesus calls Judas out…. In front of all the others.

I’m surmising here but Judas likely responds with emotions such as shame, anger, and betrayal.

THUS, satan enters into his soul. John 13:27


What if this was the moment that Jesus offered redemption specifically to Judas? He offered him a moment to confess and turn from his destructive future????

Okay, these are my thoughts. Bring on your summaries. This passage is deep and wild. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Blessings and hugs, Lynn

This Study Must be Important to God. Here's why.

Fall Bible Study 2024As I was preparing this teaching last week about washing feet, I received the following text from a SUMite. She had no idea I’d just started this study and this week we were reviewing John, chapter 13, Jesus washed the disciple’s feet.

This is what she wrote to me:

I haven’t shared this with anyone, but I thought, you know what, Lynn’s heart would love this, and she would know how miraculous this moment was. 

I’ve been wearing that victory bracelet every day since you sent it, even during the separation (and I had no intention of getting back together with my husband) Then I prophetically drew his ring on one day in a church service a few months back in response to a message I heard on The bible story when Elijah accidentally cooks poison gourds and makes everyone sick but prophetically throws flour in the pot and it feeds His people.

Well last week I wanted to go get a pedicure cause my feet were rough, but I decided not to and instead, do it myself. 

I was in the bathroom and suddenly my husband says to me, “Let me wash your feet.” I sat there on the edge of tub with him. I just sat there in silence and in awe of what God is doing in him and in our marriage.

 Lynn, he washed my feet! I’ve held that close to my heart and I’m only sharing it with you because it was so precious to me. You and your obedience to the call on your life are a huge part of my story!

My friends, God can restore, redeem, refresh, rearrange and restart. Every now and again, we get to participate in the divine and witness His love and miracles in our lives.

This is one of those moments.

Thank you, Father.

Share today how you have witnessed the bible come alive in your life? I can't wait to read these testimonies. When you share your story, your words are written down in the annals of heaven. I love you. Lynn

Jesus Asks a Question. The Answer is Everything (read to the end. It's good)

Fall Bible Study 2024Did you read the summaries in the comments of the previous post? Link here. They are SO GOOD!

Question: Why is this particular study important to an Unequally Yoked marriage?

Answer: Jesus said in John 13:34-35: 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

This commandment really is a summation of all that Jesus taught and modeled. But before we look at the end of Chapter 13, we need to take a look at the Feet Washing.

Let me begin this next portion of our Bible Study be agreeing with your summation that Chapter 13 is about service. Indeed, this passage is about service, born of a heart of love. But there is something magnanimous going on here.

While studying in July, I’ll remind you, Father was teaching me about what holiness means to Him. Jesus had, still does, have me camped in John 13-17.

One morning while reading this passage, Jesus asked the question: John 13:12: Do you know what I have done to you?

This question is so interesting. It implies that there is something more here than the simple service of washing dirty feet. Hmmmmmm. But what is it. I prayed, Lord, what is it that you are doing here? What does this mean the washing of feet? What is it that you have done to these followers? What does this all mean?

John 13: 10: Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.”

I sat there stunned as revelation came to me.

Clean….. Jesus is actually speaking of making them clean….. CLEAN

Then I asked, Jesus, what is clean? Then I heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit, look it up. So, I whipped out my concordance. (I looked online). The exchange between the Lord and Peter is the key.

The Word, clean, from the Greek Lexicon: ethically:

  1. free from corrupt desire, from sin and guilt
  2. free from every admixture of what is false, sincere genuine
  3. blameless, innocent
  4. unstained with the guilt of anything

Then the Father said to me, Lynn, this is the moment when they were sanctified. Made holy. This is holiness. This is the love of the Father demonstrated through My son. Then He sealed this act with His life-giving blood the next day. 

You see, Lynn. The disciples were made clean (sanctified and holy) because of my love (John 14: 7.. We will get there in the study). 

Lynn, you and all who choose My Son, Jesus, are made clean. This means every time you fail. When you are frustrated with Mike after 32 years serving him, your service cleanses you and him all over again. When you have a thought that you failed because you were angry, frustrated, fearful, the blood cleanses you again and again. 

The foot washing cleansed the disciples again, although they were already clean because of their belief and faith. But that night they were fearful. They were confused. Peter was frustrated with Jesus, yet they were cleansed over and over through the blood. The foot washing was the cleansing ceremony to which even the betrayer, Judas, was offered. 

When you fail and have a meltdown because of your challenging life-circumstances, it’s the blood. You are clean. You are clean, sanctified, and made holy. That is why you are welcomed into my Court and into My Presence.

I wept. Recently, I’ve felt so much failure. I have thoughts, I am supposed to be a mature child of God, so WHY did I let those words come out of my mouth. Why did I hurt that person. Why didn’t I do this sooner. Why do I fail to trust God for absolutely everything?

The Lord knows and yet He cleanses. He says just keep trying. Stay the course and believe.

Sanctified, in our doubts.

Made holy, when afraid.

Cleansed when disappointed

Welcomed into His profound Presence.

This is holiness. And this is the answer to the question,” Do you know what I have done to you?” Jesus said to the disciples, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”

We are the people of the “after this.” We are made holy again and again, when we are fearful, regretful, ashamed, and at our wits-end.

We are STILL welcome to sit on the Father’s lap and tell Him all about our life and ask for his divine help.

I’m undone!

What has the Lord cleansed that utterly changes you? How does the Lord's Presence recalibrate your life? Whose feet need washing? Yours? Your spouse? Your kid? Your co-worker? O Lord, teach us. What does foot washing look like today in 2024?

Share your thoughts in the comments. Your summaries. Your experience. Revelations of this passage. I can't wait to read your wisdom. I love you, Lynn

Prayer Prompt for the Unsaved by SUMite, Beth

Last week on of our SUMites, Beth shared the following in the comments. It's really good. So, please copy and pray. Hugs, Lynn

Beth: Because praying for the lost is dear to me, my prayer partner and I formed this prayer sheet for our congregation to use during the last two Lenten can really be used anytime so I would like to share it with my SUM community. Let's keep praying for our loved ones until Jesus returns or He comes for us!

Lenten Prayer Focus
Seven Days – Seven Prayers
Praying the Scriptures assures us we are praying according to God’s will as we pray His Words back to Him. And His purposes are accomplished…
Commit to praying these verses daily during Lent for your loved ones to know and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Sunday – God of salvation, may ____ declare with his/her mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in his/her heart that God raised him/her from the dead, saving him/her…for, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. – adapted from Romans 10:9, 13

Monday – Sovereign Lord, would you open ____ eyes and turn him/her from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that he/she may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus. – adapted from Acts 26:18

Tuesday – Reigning King of glory, may ____ know the truth, and the truth will set him/her free. – adapted from John 8:32

Wednesday – Living God, call ____ to repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his/her sins. And may he/she receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. – adapted from Acts 2:38

Thursday - God of light, would You remove the veil from ____’s eyes so that he/she can see the light of the gospel. Shine Your light in ___’s heart to give him/her the light of the knowledge of Your glory in the face of Christ. – adapted from 2 Corinthians 4:4,6

Friday - Almighty God, help ____ overcome his/her unbelief. – adapted from Mark 9:24

Saturday - Father, You so loved the world that You gave Your one and only Son, may ____believe in him and not perish but have eternal life. – adapted from John 3:16

Fall Bible Study- What Jesus Said on His Last Night on Earth

Fall Bible Study 2024
Hello Sum Nation,

Lynn here. I'm going to step in while Ann is off through September. 

Let me ask you a question. Jesus sat with His disciples the night before his death and taught his disciples. Don't you think if this was his last night with Him, he would have some profound thoughts to share? Shouldn't we take a thoughtful examination of His words? Do you believe they are important for us today?

For the last several months, Father has been teaching me about holiness. WHAT a lesson to learn during tremendous pressures. Jesus has been instructing me through the book of John, chapters 13-17. And the Holy Spirit has been instructing me to ask to manifest Him in my life. I wrote about this to our SUM ministry financial supporters in July.

As I've camped on the later part of the book of John, I have gained some insight. So I thought we would walk through these chapters together through September and perhaps beyond when Ann rejoins. 

These chapters in the book of John are the last words of instruction spoken to his followers before died and they are incredibly important-life and faith-instructions for us.

So, get out your Bible, your pen, markers and a journal. This is an in-depth study of the later chapters in John. Today, read chapter 13 from the NKJV. Click here.

In the comments, please share what you believe Jesus' main message is in this chapter. Then share what it means to you and how this message plays out in our lives.

I can't wait to hear what you have to share. And please share, even if someone else summarized before you in the comments. Add your voice. It's incredibly important for the angels to see your testimony.

I adore you. I'll be back with some interesting nuances on this chapter in the days ahead. Love you, Lynn

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