September 16, 2024 - It took a while but a dream we have had of reaching out to people at the store is finally being developed. On September 10, 2024 -we had our first sewing class for the residents of. . .
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Here is our Weekly Update is our email and are our web pages

Al & Diane Mellinger's Missionary Adventure - 5 new articles

It is Happening!

September 16, 2024 - It took a while but a dream we have had of reaching out to people at the store is finally being developed.

On September 10, 2024 -we had our first sewing class for the residents of the low-income housing complex where we have our store in. (It’s an old Hotel that has retail in the old lobby area and apartments upstairs.)


We had 3 students attend (our limit is 4 with sewing machines) and it was great.  It is a two-part class, so they came back to finish the project later in the week, What is so exciting is that during the class the instructors get to chat and learn more about the folks and the other needs they have,

Additionally, the local chamber of commerce has a local young leaders’ program where the participants are mentored throughout the year by experts in the community.  One component of the yearlong training is giving back to the community by assisting non-profits and we were chosen as one of those non-profits this year.  They will be helping us find people to offer classes, lectures and training.  If they have a hobby they can come and talk about awesome – if they can teach a craft, amazing – maybe they can help better earn tech or how things work.

We are so excited about how this could impact the people that are around us and also help other in the community that they can help and serve by just doing and being who they are.

These are the finished lap quilts they made. We are now going to be offering additional quilt classes due to the popularity of this one.

Pray for the Seniors that we are getting to server.

Pray for the Retail part of what we do - it is hard right now.

Pray for support to expand the training part as it does cost some for us to do this.

To give click here (


Volunteers Needed -Maybe one is you!

March 19, 2024 - As we continue to work through all the things we can do to keep and maintain this ministry, one part is getting more volunteers to assist with working the shop and helping with REED Workshops.

Volunteer Ops - 2-2024

If you are near Jackson, Michigan and would like to help please contact me at and we can get you set up.  We are looking for 4-8 hours a month for this project.

If you are not near enough to volunteer - please pray for volunteers. Pray about sales as well and pray for the people we serve.  They are amazing folks that we will be writing about soon.

thanks again for all your support over the years!


To give to our work Click here




February 17, 2024 – Every week we have a few people that stumble into the shop and take some time to look around and make all kinds of wonderful comments on the shop. They love the idea and they love what we are doing.  The folks then thank us and leave not buying a thing but almost always with the statement “We’ll be back.” The accolades are rewarding but they don’t pay the bills. 

As I stated earlier in the month about our options for staying in business. One is getting monthly contributors to cover the overhead expenses we have. This would include rent, utilities, insurance, and some labor costs.


(Our REED workshop space where we work to make things to sell)


(Some of the retail space)

We need about $3,500 a month to cover these.  I know it is not glamorous to give to this, but it is needed.  If you want to help even with a one-time gift during the really slow winter months that would be great.  If you want to contribute to this need monthly that would be awesome.  If you are not able to help please join us in prayer for these needs and wisdom to know if it is time to serve in another way.

Thanks for your prayers.


Looking for Volunteers – Could you be one?

February 8, 2024 – As we shared last week, we are needing to make some changes in how our retail operations function. 

We are looking for folks who would be willing to work at the shop one or two afternoons a month.  They would help us wait on customers, tidy up the displays, and minister to the folks who come in.  The volunteers will be trained and given all the information they need to serve. 


As a thank you on the days that they serve they will receive a 20% discount on anything you purchase.

One cool thing about working at the shop is that you get to learn more about our partners and the people who are being helped.  It is not just unique items that we sell they are also a way a family supports itself.  “Every tag tells a story and every story helps a family” is a saying I share often with customers.

MM Volunteer 24 a

If you would be interested or just want more information about being one of our Volunteers please email me at or call me at 517-395-3054.

This week continue to pray about the store's needs and how we can continue to help the needy around the world.


Where we are at as a Ministry

February 1, 2024 – “Times they are a changing” is the best way to describe where Marketplace Manna is right now, at least for the retail operation. 

We do several things as a ministry:

  • Retail Sales
  • Service with those in need
  • Travel and speaking to people about the poor.

The people in need and how we work with them will be something we do until we are called home. 

Traveling and teaching folks about how to serve the poor is also something we will do as much and as often as we can.


Our retail operation is going to need a change.  The overhead (rent, insurance, payroll) is all more than what we make.  It has been like that for a while, and we have been putting our own money in each month to cover the shortfall – thinking that things will turn around, but they have not. (We get no income from the store personally)

So, we are looking at several options:

  • See if we can lower our overhead by staffing the store with Volunteers from the area.
  • Get partners to donate to our expenses so that the sales can be reinvested back into helping the needy instead of paying our bills. Currently, it is about $4000 a month.
  • Close the store and workshop completely and just sell what we have through pop-up shops in churches, fairs, and in Holiday Pop-up Shops.
  • Liquidate everything and retire.

We had a vacation planned since last July for 15 days in January and part of what we did was try and figure out what to do next.  What you see is what we came up with.

The reason I am writing everyone about this is to ask for prayers for what we are to do next.  We are going to be staying as we are through February, but will then have to decide what happens next by the end of the month.

Diane and I have always been up for adventures and following God wherever He leads.  We have been through tough times so we are not worried about what is next for us if we do close things down.  We don’t really want to do that until we have explored all the options and let our supporters know what is going on.  Please join us in praying for God to show us what is next with this work.

If you have other ideas - we are open.

If you want to help by volunteering - email me at

If you want to donate to our monthly store expenses, click here

Thanks for all your support and prayers over the years.

In His and Your Service,

Al & Diane Mellinger


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