November 27, 2024 - We have been on an adventure for 40 plus years if serving God in different ways and in many locations. Each place has prepared us for what God had next. We have also learned that He. . .
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Al & Diane Mellinger's Missionary Adventure - 5 new articles

The Adventure Awaits

November 27, 2024 - We have been on an adventure for 40 plus years if serving God in different ways and in many locations.  Each place has prepared us for what God had next.  We have also learned that He lets us know what He has in mind when we need to know we just need to be open and listening to His voice for our lives.


Since moving the retail operations to downtown Jackson, we have found ourselves meeting and connecting with all kinds or groups and organizations serving the poor as well.  God has exposed us to programs and training that have change ideas in some case or reinforced what we already knew.

So with that said:

On Monday, December 2nd at 9 AM I will be having an important meeting about our work in downtown Jackson. Pray for the meeting and that God will bless the conversation and the time we spend.  We have been praying about next steps for our work and we are excited about the possibility.  Pray now and watch for additional announcements once we know what Is happening.

The adventure awaits!

From My Heart!

November 18, 2024 – I need to share something that has been on my heart for a while.  We have folks come into the shop all the time and love our purpose and all that they see and then leave saying I’ll be back when I need a gift, without buying a thing.  In my head I fully understand – the economy is tuff and most of us do not have much extra money for extra stuff. 


That said it is still hard for Diane and I to know what to do.  With out good sales we will not be able to keep the shop open.  We have rent, utilities, salaries, Insurance that comes due every month regardless of how much we sell.  These cost for us just like you have continued to increase no matter how much we try and cut back.

With that background I am asking all our prayer partners to pray and ask God to show us what it is we need to do.  Press on and hope the economy improves?  Shut down the store but continue to travel and sell what we have at churches and conferences?  Sell everything and do something different?

I do not talk a great deal about funding and our needs.  Diane and I do not get any support from the store sales, that covers expenses and is reinvested to helping the poor.  Without some changes in sales or donations we will have to make a change in the new year!

Since God says to pray about everything (which I do) – I am asking you to join us in praying about next steps for our work in the kingdom.

Thanks, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Marketplace Manna Update:

October 2, 2024 - God is moving and we are in awe of Him and what He is up to.  Our job is to do our best to follow.


  • We have had more interest in local volunteers helping in our Reed Workshops and Lectures. We have been chosen to be helped by a Young Leaders Program with the local Chamber.  We have had 3 quilting classes so far and they are going well.
  • Our manager has been offered a great job doing something else she loves and for that we rejoice.
  • We have recently joined forces with “My Bakery” a local business that has come out of My Place a home helping those aging out of Foster care. We carry their cookies and treats during the week in the shop! (you can read more about this ministry in the recent Jackson Magazine go to page 30
  • We had a volunteer Group from Spring Arbor University come and help us begin our Holiday makeover.
  • IMG_7583


  • Sales are still down as the economy is still tight and folks are still loving the shop and the concept, they just don’t have funds to buy. Pray that we do well for the Holidays.
  • With our store manager moving on we are now looking for someone to work part time about 25 hours a week to help us manage the store. Looking for someone with a passion for our mission and a willingness to learn about our partners and what they do. Pray God would send us the right person that we need to move things forward.
  • Pray also for Diane and I – our minds sometime think we are still 20 something but our bodies say otherwise. May we learn a rhythm to life at this stage in our lives.

To give to our work Click here

It is Happening!

September 16, 2024 - It took a while but a dream we have had of reaching out to people at the store is finally being developed.

On September 10, 2024 -we had our first sewing class for the residents of the low-income housing complex where we have our store in. (It’s an old Hotel that has retail in the old lobby area and apartments upstairs.)


We had 3 students attend (our limit is 4 with sewing machines) and it was great.  It is a two-part class, so they came back to finish the project later in the week, What is so exciting is that during the class the instructors get to chat and learn more about the folks and the other needs they have,

Additionally, the local chamber of commerce has a local young leaders’ program where the participants are mentored throughout the year by experts in the community.  One component of the yearlong training is giving back to the community by assisting non-profits and we were chosen as one of those non-profits this year.  They will be helping us find people to offer classes, lectures and training.  If they have a hobby they can come and talk about awesome – if they can teach a craft, amazing – maybe they can help better earn tech or how things work.

We are so excited about how this could impact the people that are around us and also help other in the community that they can help and serve by just doing and being who they are.

These are the finished lap quilts they made. We are now going to be offering additional quilt classes due to the popularity of this one.

Pray for the Seniors that we are getting to server.

Pray for the Retail part of what we do - it is hard right now.

Pray for support to expand the training part as it does cost some for us to do this.

To give click here (

Volunteers Needed -Maybe one is you!

March 19, 2024 - As we continue to work through all the things we can do to keep and maintain this ministry, one part is getting more volunteers to assist with working the shop and helping with REED Workshops.

Volunteer Ops - 2-2024

If you are near Jackson, Michigan and would like to help please contact me at and we can get you set up.  We are looking for 4-8 hours a month for this project.

If you are not near enough to volunteer - please pray for volunteers. Pray about sales as well and pray for the people we serve.  They are amazing folks that we will be writing about soon.

thanks again for all your support over the years!


To give to our work Click here


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