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The Red Ferret Journal - 5 new articles

Everything Electric Show, London Highlights 2024

Everything Electric Show 2024 - BYD Dolphin

The Everything Electric Show is fast becoming the number one spot to check out the latest EV and renewable technology in and around the UK.  This year's 2024 show was crammed with some cool stuff. We took a walk to check out the most interesting bits, to get a feel for where things are going. continue reading

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EMO: Sensational Deepfake Tech From China Shows Just How Insane Things Are Right Now

EMO - Alibaba DeepFakes

If anyone has any lingering doubts about the current direction we're heading in with regards to A.I. and deepfake technology, I would urge them to take a look at this EMO deepfake technology demonstration. The official title for the demo is EMO: Emote Portrait Alive. And boy does it deliver.

To be clear, this astonishing stuff involves taking a single photograph, and adding audio of any random talking or singing to generate a 'live' video in action. continue reading

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The Gadget Manifesto Revisited – plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose?

Seventeen long years ago I wrote a piece here called The Gadget Manifesto. It was a rant borne out of frustration with the relentless increase in junk technology. The problem was basically too much Far Eastern manufacturing capacity chasing too few consumers. Result...price plummeting, quality plummeting, consumers suffering. I'm revisiting this subject only because it looks like we're clearly not going to reverse course any time soon.

Nearly 2 decades on, we're still buying this junk, and throwing it away in planet squandering quantities. continue reading

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Honda Motocompacto – The e-Bike That Thinks It’s A Suitcase

The Honda Motocompacto has to be one of the weirdest e-bikes we've ever seen. It's not just the strange skinny shape, it's also the fact that it doesn't appear to offer any real advantage over an electric scooter except a rudimentary seat. Just 3.7 inches wide, it's made out of aluminum and plastic, and boasts a max speed of 12 mph and a range of 15 miles per 3 hour charge. continue reading

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The Solid State Battery Race: Who’s Going To Win?

[caption id="attachment_62432" align="alignnone" width="980"]Solid State Batteries and the future Image courtesy of QuantumScape Inc[/caption]

As we cruise into the future of electric vehicles (EVs), the buzz around solid-state battery technology is getting louder and more electrifying. Imagine a world where EVs charge faster than your smartphone, drive huge distances, and are safer than your gran on a Friday night. That's the promise of solid-state batteries, a technology that's poised to supercharge the EV revolution.

Solid-state batteries are like the cool new kids on the block, set to replace the lithium-ion batteries we've come to know. The secret sauce? They swap out the liquid electrolyte for a solid one. This might not sound like a big deal, but it's a game-changer. Solid electrolytes are less flammable, which means they're safer. No more worrying about your EV battery overheating or turning into a roadside barbecue.

But safety isn't the only perk. These batteries also deliver the goods when it comes to energy density. With solid-state tech, batteries can store more energy in the same space, giving EVs a much-needed range boost. Imagine driving from New York to Washington D.C. without stopping to charge. That's the kind of road trip we're talking about. Not to mention the fact that taking up less space means they could be used in other transportation, like commuter planes.

byd seal

Charging times are another area where solid-state batteries could leave current tech in the dust. We're looking at the potential to juice up an EV in the time it takes to grab a coffee and a donut. That's a far cry from the 30 minutes to an hour it can take today. Companies like are buzzing with updates on how their solid-state battery prototypes are pushing the limits of charging speeds.

Solid-state batteries are the marathon runners of the battery world. They can handle more charge cycles before they start to wear out. This means your EV's battery could last as long as the car itself. No more battery replacements every few years. It's a win for your wallet and the environment.

Of course, with any new technology, there are challenges to overcome. Solid-state batteries are still in the development phase, and researchers are working hard to make them affordable and ready for mass production. Companies like CATL and Toyota are investing heavily in this technology, betting on a future where solid-state batteries power their fleets. But with Toyota predicting products on the shelves in 2028, things are not moving as fast as many would hope. As you'd expect, the Chinese seem to be leading the charge. But it's still an open race.

And it's not just the big automakers getting in on the action. Startups like Solid Power ( are also forging ahead, pushing the boundaries of what's possible. They're working on making solid-state batteries that are not only powerful but also cost-effective, aiming to bring them to market within the next few years.

The Solid State Future is so bright...

So, what does all this mean for the future of EVs? It's all looking pretty bright—like, LED-headlights-on-a-dark-road bright. The new battery tech is pushing us to the cusp of an EV utopia where range anxiety is a thing of the past, charging is lightning-fast, and safety is top-notch. It's a future where EVs aren't just an alternative to gas-powered cars; they're the obvious choice (sorry all you fossil lovers out there).

It's becoming clear that if the technology pans out, with the promise of higher energy density, faster charging times, increased safety, and longer lifespans, these batteries are the key to unlocking the full potential of EVs. While there's still work to be done, the road ahead is pretty exciting.

This all sounds great, but when can we get our hands on an EV with solid-state batteries? The problem is most companies are keeping their cards close to their chest. For some, like Toyota, we're talking up to five years away. But recent announcements from some of the Chinese giants suggest that it could all happen by the end of next year.  Researchers and companies are working hard to overcome challenges like manufacturing costs and finding the perfect materials for the job. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has a great article that dives deeper into the nitty-gritty of solid-state batteries. Check it out!

The road ahead for EV batteries is paved with solid-state technology. It's an exciting time for electric vehicles, with advancements that promise to make them more accessible and practical for daily use. While there's still work to be done, the technology is definitely moving ahead. But let's not forget that conventional Lithium-Ion is also developing quickly. Already we're at 400 mile range and more, and there's no reason to think that number won't keep increasing. Still, here's to a future where EVs are powered by long-lasting, energy-dense batteries that take us further than ever before. Whichever way the journey takes, the next generation of EVs is just getting started, and it's sure to be an electrifying ride. continue reading

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