day 3K375: Happy Birthday!
“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’”
It’s been one year since ChatGPT launched. When asked how ChatGPT felt about celebrating its first birthday, it said, “”Thank you for the birthday wishes! However, it’s important to note that as a computer program, I don’t have feelings or consciousness, so I don’t experience emotions like humans do.” Can I add, “…,yet.” to the end of the sentence? We shall see. We are long past the speed of sound, not yet at the speed of light but in between the speed of technology is picking up and we are going to have to pick up and keep pace so we don’t get left behind. These birthdays will seem like they come at us faster and faster.
This is our most glorious and joyful birthday month. Might I suggest that we each pick up an Advent companion reader so that daily we can ready ourselves for the greatest coming and birthday of all! And, let’s not let the pace of the holidays race by us too quickly. Let’s enjoy this wonderful birthday month!
Reference: Matthew 1:20 (New Living Translation)
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day 3K374: Word Of 2023
“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.”
The “Word of the Year” as listed by Merriam-Webster is “Authentic”. Surprisingly, it is not “A.I”, but certainly the choice of authentic is related to the effects of A.I. on all of us. Along with “Conversations about celebrity, culture, identity and social media”, they said that the “Lines between real and fake has become increasingly blurred”. So, we literally and metaphorically in masses are searching and seeking for the “Authentic”. That should tell us something about how we conduct ourselves and show up to our customers, consumers, partners, suppliers, shareholders and employees.
We are called to be authentic and to be real with God, ourselves and others. It may be one of the great challenges of life that we don’t spend enough time thinking about. The temptation to be one way in a life situation and another way in other life situations is what gets in the way of us being authentic in front of God and others. There is only one person who can guarantee our authenticity and that is ourselves. As we work today let’s challenge ourselves to be truly authentic in all that we do and with all whom we interact.
Reference: Proverbs 27:19 (New Living Translation)
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day 3K373: “I Love A Parade…”
“If you obey me, there will always be a descendant of David sitting on the throne here in Jerusalem. The king will ride through the palace gates in chariots and on horses, with his parade of attendants and subjects.”
If you were home on Thanksgiving morning, you might have had the TV on in the background and if you did, apparently you (like our family too) were watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The NBC telecast had a record audience of 28.5 million viewers (that’s up 6% over 2022) making it the #1 viewed broadcast and cable entertainment program in 2023. Wow! I have a theory. We are so tired of bad news, controversy, fighting, arguing, etc. that something non-controversial and wholesome like a parade produced for families and kids, just felt good. What does this tell us? Well, maybe when we approach our customers and consumers we should do so leading with the positive and the uplifting aspects of our products and services. It seems like everyone loves a parade, so what parade are we throwing?
What a parade we are in for when we one day get to see Jesus. Until then, Jesus told us that He had come to give us an abundant life and one that is filled with joy. When we embrace all that we are given then we can become those who spread and share not just the good news of Christ, but the great news for what is in store for us.
Reference: Jeremiah 22:4 (New Living Translation)
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day 3K372: Painful Prioritization
“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”
I read the other day this statement: “It’s not prioritization until it hurts”. Such a true word. We are daily overwhelmed with “everything being important” and “being spread too thin”. If we say we are going after the important and not allowing ourselves to be distracted or diluted with the lesser important, then we must painfully prioritize because if we don’t feel that pain, then we likely haven’t prioritized hard enough.
Reading God’s Word, listening and taking in His message delivered by others, discerning what it is that He is trying to say to us through Prayer and finding Him in worship are all good things. However, to obey Him in what we hear, learn and know is what true prioritization of Him is in our lives. Obeying doesn’t always feel good and yes, sometimes real prioritization it can be painful.
Reference: James 1:22 (New Living Translation)
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day 3K371: Data Labeling
“Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”
There is nothing magical or technologically revolutionary about “Data Labeling”. We have been practicing this since the beginning of time, we just didn’t call it “Data” and we didn’t have a reason to understand it as “Labeling”. Essentially, “Data Labeling” is the act and work of categorizing and adding context to an observation. For example, last month, Patti drove my Tesla to a meeting. As she was backing out of the parking spot she brushed the fender of my car into the fender of a car parked next to her. Consequently, the left front fender of my car needed to be replaced. To make that happen I had to take the car to an auto body shop and have the repair person provide me an estimate to give to an insurance adjuster, who then validated the estimate and approved the repair. What both of these individuals were doing was “Data Labeling”. The repair person was using his expertise and knowledge to estimate the parts, labor, time and ultimately a cost. The insurance person was using their experience and knowledge to challenge and ultimately approve what the repair person submitted. And from the learning about my car, they each added to their own knowledge base, for the next time they are faced with a similar situation. Now, think abut what happens when in the world of A.I., “Data Labelers” were to add context to 200,000 photos of different damaged cars; ranking severity, costs, parts, etc. and then that information is fed into the A.I. model and from that point on the insurance company (and possibly the body shop) use this to provide their approvals and feedback. “Data Labeling” has always been an activity, but today and in the future there is a place for it to be captured in large numbers and then never to be forgotten, only to be added onto (and hopefully) improved for the better.
We like to pray and think we are additive to the Kingdom of God here on Earth. We are, if we are God’s “Data Labelers”, not the world’s. With each word, each action, each thought, we have the opportunity to add to the fullness and goodness of what God wants to do with our lives and the lives of others. We are “Data” and we are “Labels” in God’s Kingdom. What is it that we will do today to be additive and provide more context to others on what it is that God is doing in our lives and what He can do in theirs?
Reference: James 2:18 (New Living Translation)
For those in the U.S., “Happy Thanksgiving” and enjoy the long weekend with family and friends. PwK will be back on Monday.
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