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Well done you! Free sales tools all in a row, more like a table really.

Download any or all of these Sales Tools that make a difference. Our thanks to you for being a loyal Revenue-IQ subscriber

GO / NO-GO Bid Matrix

Customize this Excel for consistent decisions when to bid or not.

GO / NO-GO Bid Decision Matrix

Excel file, 2 tabs

Persuasive Proposal Tips

Use these tips to make proposals persuasive and win more contracts.

Persuasive Proposal Tips

1 pg. PDF, 8.5' x 11'

Checklist to Create a Deck

Define the 'who / what / where' to create memorable decks.

1 pg. PDF, 11' x 8.5'


Sales Intel

See the intel sellers need to know
before bids/RFPs.

Need-to-Know Sales Intel

1 pg. PDF, 8.5' x 11'

Zoology of Selling
Facility Services

Consider these sales criteria
by contract size.

Zoology of Facility Service Contracts

1 pg. PDF, 17' x 11'

Writing for Facility
Service Contracts

Decide which proposal content
can be canned vs. custom.

Writing Proposals for Facility Service Contracts

1 pg. PDF, 17' x 11'

'How to Write a Sales Plan' ebook

Use this step-by-step ebook to complete
our three-page Sales Plan Template

22 pg. PDF, 11' x 8.5'

Sales Plan Template

Complete this straightforward, simple,
and actionable sales plan template.

Sales Plan Template in Microsoft Word

3 pg. Microsoft Word docx, 11' x 8.5'

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