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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: 4 Things to Do to Keep Yourself Safe

The connectedness of our world has both benefits and drawbacks. There is convenience in shopping online, using social media as a tool to stay in touch with friends and discover new things, and...

Get Well Soon Care Package for a Sick College Student

It’s that time of the year when college students start to get sick. The adrenaline from the start of the year has worn off, they're up late with friends, in the thick of studying, and forgetting...


How National PTA’s Ready, Tech, Go! Teaches Healthy Digital Habits

This post is sponsored by National PTA Ready, Tech, Go!

Parenting in the digital age isn’t easy especially since our kids often want digital devices before we’re ready for them to have them....

Visiting Casa Bonita: 10 Things to Know Before You Go

Casa Bonita is a legendary Mexican themed restaurant located just outside Denver, Colorado whose kitschy fabulousness makes it feel like a fever dream. It’s a place where you’re greeted by...