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International Space Art Contest and Poetry Invites Kids to Imagine Living in Space

When my son was in elementary school, he brought a copy of Space Case home. The book is a about a 12-year-old who is one of the first humans to live on the moon and finds himself having to solve a...

10 Ways to Celebrate Lunar New Year with Kids

Tomorrow Year of the Dragon begins and if you’re looking for ways to celebrate Lunar New Year with kids, I have 10 easy ideas that are perfect for all ages! Below you’ll find things you can do in...

Celebrating Chinese New Year: Teaching Kids About Lunar New Year & Family Traditions

Earlier this week as I was thinking about a special meal to prepare to celebrate the start of Chinese New Year and Year of the Dragon this Saturday, my mind wandered back to my childhood and the...

17 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for All Ages

Some of the links in this Valentine's Day Gift Ideas guide are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on a link. Some items below were provided...