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Hinduism Today advertising newsletter

No. 1
June 1, 2018

Welcome to the first issue of our newly re-designed and re-conceived newsletter. See our previous newsletters going back to 2009 (scroll down). Lots of good material in those. Whether you are advertising already, thinking about it or simply supportive, we thank you all. See our statement of purpose.

Advertiser of the month:
Roy Eugene Davis:
I've strived to help people grow
through self-knowledge.

The great Paramahamsa Yogananda, Roy Eugene Davis as a monk, and teaching today

  • Spiritual lineage: the great Paramahansa Yogananda who initiated Roy Eugene Davis, Roy shortly after his initiation in 1952, and teaching today.

    'Hinduism Today readers are a great lot,' Roy Eugene Davis, founder of Georgia's Center for Spiritual Awareness tells us. We could respond, 'So are its advertisers, especially your goodself, Sri Davis!'

    This indefatigable teacher has been advertising faithfully in our magazine ever since it began carrying ads, in the early 80's, never missing an issue—not one—all that time. How's that for steadfastness?

    Yet, this impressive record is but a grain of sand More...

    Ad tip of the month:
    To tell the truth


    cartoon about truth in advertising

    Of course, your ad isn't going to try to fool the reader. Nor are you going to dispense a lot of hype. Of course not.

    But there are degrees of truth in advertising, as in life. And we evolve whenever we move from one truth to a greater truth —at which point we are in good position to move on to an even greater truth. And so on, until finally—as timeless wisdom has always promised—we come upon the Ultimate Truth. More...

    An article not to miss
    about a growing new religious category:
    SBNR (spiritual but not religious)

    Young person being joyfully spiritual

    Many Americans today, especially the young, are sincerely and dedicatedly taking to spirituality. But interestingly, they often disassociate from 'religion,' and identify as 'spiritual but not religious.'

    They are now so numerous that some census-takers and pollsters are tallying them as a distinct religious category.

    Our July-August-September 2017 issue looked into this phenomenon through the eyes of a Duke University social scientist. Her conclusions help us understand our world and times and bode well for Hinduism, Hindus and like-minded souls. She demonstrates that what SBNRs reject actually centers around certain dogmas such as a jealous, punishing God and the view that there is only one exclusively correct theology. But the spiritual values they embrace are totally harmonious with indigenous and Eastern religions. It is an inspiring read. Don’t miss it.

    In a follow-up in the January/February/March 2018 issue, publisher Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami suggests five ways for these genuine seekers to enhance their quest. Don’t miss this one either.

 London boy holding Hinduism Today

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 London boy holding Hinduism Today

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