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Pork Chops with Vinegar Peppers

This classic Italian American dish combines the rich, savory depth of perfectly seared pork chops with the tangy burst of vinegar peppers. It’s the kind of dish that makes you want to open a bottle of wine, sit back, and truly enjoy the fruits of your minimal labor. Ingredients Step-by-Step Overview Tips and Technique More...

The post Pork Chops with Vinegar Peppers appeared first on Feeling Foodish.

How to Make Crispy French Toast

Imagine waking up to the aroma of buttery, cinnamon-sprinkled French toast. Crisp on the outside, custard-like on the inside, this homemade French toast is just perfect. Make it for a leisurely weekend brunch or to celebrate a special occasion, even better when drizzled with maple syrup and paired with fresh fruit or a dollop of...

The post How to Make Crispy French Toast appeared first on Feeling Foodish.

Zuppa Di Pesce (Italian Seafood)

Zuppa di Pesce is an Italian seafood stew that includes many of your favorite shellfish varieties in a fragrant, herbed tomato broth, with just a small kick of red pepper. The broth is just perfect to sop up with crusty bread or ladling over your favorite spaghetti. This dish is one of my favorites and...

The post Zuppa Di Pesce (Italian Seafood) appeared first on Feeling Foodish.